I’ve Got a Spell On You: How to Cast a Love Spell

Dating can be tough and sometimes it seems like finding the right one might be impossible. But the actual problem might be that you aren’t manifesting love into your life the way you’d like. This issue can be fixed if you actively focus your intention better.

Casting spells might seem like something straight from out of a fairytale. But all the “spookism” around it has caused people to misunderstand what it actually entails and how it can be beneficial for you and your love life.

If you’re sitting around wondering how to make someone fall in love with you or when the right one will come into your life, then keep reading to check out this guide on how to cast a love spell.

Cleanse & Protect Yourself

The first rule of casting a love spell (or any other spell) is to always cleanse and protect yourself of negative energy. There are a few different ways to complete a simple cleanse. One of the easiest ways is to take a bath or shower.

Now, this might seem a little too simple but you won’t be taking just a regular bath or shower. Water has psychic healing properties, so while you’re bathing it’s best to envision the shower as golden rays that wash any stifling or disagreeable energy away.

For a bath, you should prepare specific herbs and oils that propel bad energy and attract love. A great way of protecting yourself is to meditate and envision yourself surrounded by pure, white light. You also want to form a circle around you using salt for protection.

The circle acts as an invisible border, in a way, against unfavorable energies. Once you’re in the circle, ask for blessings and protection from God or angels like in the 3 wish spell. Do not break the circle until the spell is over.

Learn About Correspondences

The reason why you’ll typically think of wands, potions, and things of the sort in relation to spells is that each tool and ingredient essentially represents something else through a universal connection. For instance, a full mean is known by many to bring strong energy but it is also great for releasing negativity or enhancing psychic ability.

So when you cast a love spell, you should know which things correspond to love. There will be specific colors, herbs, spices, scents and even days of the week. Incorporating these details into your spell will help to make it more powerful and work along with your intention.

Here are some correspondences to use:

  • Colors- pink or red
  • Day of Week- Friday
  • Planet -Venus
  • Herbs & Spices- Rose petals, basil, catnip, hibiscus, lavender
  • Healing Crystals- Rose quartz, amber, garnet, jade

Feel free to work in your own choice of associations if you feel called to a certain ingredient or tool.

Set Focused Intention

The whole ‘mystery’ about casting spells can be summed up to simply imposing your will and intention on your own life. It’s about actively participating in the types of things you attract instead of being passive. So during your love spell, you will be focusing on whatever your desire is involving love showing up in your life.

Setting an intention doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. You just need to clear your mind of anything that doesn’t concern your spell and have an intense focus on what it is that you are trying to experience. The next important step is to try to embody the feeling that you have when the thing you want finally arrives.

One thing to remember is to be specific with what you’d like to attract. Ask for exactly what you’d like to receive. For instance, if you simply say you want a partner but you mean a new love, you may find that old flames begin to show up looking for a rekindle.

Know what you want and don’t be shy about the details. If there’s someone you have in mind it may be best to include their name.

Let Go of Expectations

Although you should be specific, the only thing you’re responsible for in this love spell is the part of what you want. How you actually get it is up to the universe to figure. This is why you shouldn’t hold on to certain expectations or outcomes.

If you sit around thinking about the way you believe a person should enter your life or approach you, it’ll probably be a huge disappointment. Let go of trying to be in control and trust that everything is working out in your best interest.

Cause No Harm

There is a rule called the “three-fold rule” that lots of people who cast spells of magic live by. It basically says that you should cause no harm to others and what you do will come back to you threes times the power of what you put out.

This isn’t a rule to scare you away from casting a love spell. But it is something to take into consideration. You shouldn’t try to impose your will on other people or be manipulative with their lives.

Practice Self-Love

Last, but certainly not least, you should be casting an internal love spell on yourself. Practicing self-love will help you to identify when someone is the right one for you being is will show you your true self-worth.

It will be much harder for you to receive love from anyone if you don’t know how to give it to yourself first. Take some time to implement self-care and focus on keeping your physical, mental and emotional well-being balanced.

Ready to Cast a Love Spell to Attract the Right One Into Your Life?

Just because you haven’t stumbled across the perfect person for you yet doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Casting a love spell could definitely be the boost you need to start attracting love back into your life again.

Take your time to read over these instructions and give this a shot. If you’re looking for more advice on love, dating, and relationships, check out more articles on our blog.