
Using a Condom Properly, and Other Safe Sex Tips

Did you know that there are over 20 million new sexually transmitted disease infections every, single year? 

One way to fight the chances of getting an STD is by using protection, we’re talking about condoms. Not only do they aid in protection, but they’re also a form of contraceptive if you find you’re not ready to pro-create. 

There are so many questions that people have about safe sex, and more often than not, they’re too embarrassed to ask, someone might not feel comfortable asking, “Am I using a condom correctly?” 

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. 

Using a Condom 101 

The benefit of using a condom is twofold, firstly, you’re protecting yourself against nasty and infectious sexually transmitted diseases, and secondly, against unwanted pregnancies. 

It goes without saying that nothing in life is 100% certain, so there will always be some risk, even when using a condom. However, your first step is knowing that you’re using a condom the right way. 

1. Always Check the Expiration Date 

The first thing to do when checking if your condom is going to do its job is to check the expiration date.

Those that are close to expiring could be more brittle and more prone to breaking. 

2. Open Condoms Carefully 

Opening a condom is not like opening a gift on Christmas morning, the excitement level may be the same, but trust us, you’ll want to take your time. 

If you’re too vigorous in opening the condom, you risk tearing the condom itself and causing failure. 

3. Putting the Condom on 

Before you put the condom on, make sure that you have the right side up. How can you tell? 

Well, a condom should roll down really easily with two fingers. This means where it’s rolled up should be on the outside of the condom, and not on the inside which would cause you to put your fingers inside the condom to get it to roll down. 

4. Make Sure the Tip Has Space 

Not all condoms have a tip at the end to allow for safe semen storage after ejaculation, so ensure that you pinch the tip of the condom when rolling it on.

This will create a space for semen to be stored, and make sure that the condom doesn’t tear. 

5. Added Protection 

Whether you have a no-name brand condom or something fancier like, the process remains the same. Always roll the condom right down to the base of the penis. 

This not only ensures that the semen is contained but also minimizes skin on skin contact for transferring STDs. 

Now You Know About Using a Condom for Safe Sex

Using a condom is one of the most effective ways for you to ensure that you partaking in safe sex. Whether you’re having a one-night stand, or you’re at the start of a more serious relationship, it’s always a good idea to be careful. 

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