
5 Top Tips to Help Boost Your Libido

Believe it or not, suffering from low libido is fairly common. Whether you’re too busy to make sex a priority or the sex-driving hormones of your early relationship days have taken a dip, how you’re feeling is totally normal. 

Fortunately, that doesn’t mean there isn’t something you can do to get your libido up and running again. 

If you’re looking to give your libido a boost, read on to learn 5 tips for improving your sex drive. 

1. Get Enough Rest

One of the best ways to help with your libido is to get more sleep. Long busy days and trying to fit in time for yourself can make it easy to get less than 8 hours a night. 

However, it’s hard to feel horny when you get tired early in the day. Plus, even if you get horny, it’s hard to act on it when sex is a workout that your body isn’t up for. 

Getting too little sleep also increases stress, which is one of the 6 things that kill sexual desire.  

Try setting a bedtime and stick to it. 

2. Fit In a Workout

Another of the best tips for your libido is to exercise regularly. 

Working out leaves your body healthy and lets you feel sexier in your skin. This is a huge confidence boost that can feed your sex drive. 

Exercising is also known to boost your brain’s happy chemicals, which means you’re more mentally prepared for some time with your partner. 

3. Make Room In Your Schedule

Constantly being busy and thinking about all you have to get done isn’t helping your libido. Not only do you think about sexless, but it’s hard to want to have sex when you’re thinking about the dishes, laundry, and work. 

Sometimes setting time aside in your schedule is all you need. 

Putting your partner on your “to-do” list may not sound romantic, but planning a date night has never made it less special. 

4. See a Therapist

Seeing a therapist may sound like the less fun of the libido tips, but it works, and it doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you. 

If you have negative thoughts about yourself throughout the day or during sex, it can be hard to feel in the mood. Depression and anxiety also decrease libido. 

Seeing a therapist can remove these obstacles and improve your sex life. In fact, practicing mindfulness, in particular, can help you focus on your pleasure. 

5. Try Some Aphrodisiacs 

While eating healthy is good for a healthy libido, some foods are considered aphrodisiacs that boost libido and increase blood flow to the genitals. 

Examples of aphrodisiacs include banana, avocado, pistachios, and chocolate.

Of course, foods should always be consumed in moderation. 

Improve Your Sex Life With a Better Libido

Whether you’ve always had a low libido or the change is new, there are steps you can take to increase your sex drive. Getting enough rest, sticking to a healthy lifestyle, and making time are but a few of the best tips out there. 

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