What Is Sex Addiction and How Can It Be Handled?

Young couple with a problem to consult a psychologist closeup, theraphy, holding each other hand

Did you know that around 10% of men and 7% of women in the United States suffer from sex addiction?

Sex addiction is an urge to perform sexual activities which can result in risky behaviors. 

If you know someone that is suffering from sex addiction, there are a few ways that you can approach them.

Keep reading to learn more about sex addiction and how loved ones can support someone in their time of recovery! 

Start With the Signs

One of the first things to do when sex addiction comes into your life is to start identifying the signs. 

If someone you love is thinking about sexual thoughts and has quick physical relationships, they might be an addict. Much like other addictions, people will lie and put themselves in risky situations to satisfy their addictions. Sex addiction interferes with a person’s ability to maintain relationships, hold a job, and more.

When a person starts to feel guilty after a behavior but continues to do them anyway, they might be a sex addict. 

Therapy Intervention 

If you are spotting the signs of sex addiction with a loved one, you might want to suggest therapy to them. 

Whether they are interested in joining a 12-step program from sanon.org or attending personal meetings, talking can help. sex addiction counseling can help someone realize that they aren’t alone and other people have overcome similar urges. 

Although some people relate sex programs to AA, they are a little bit different and also provide support to families. 

Set Boundaries

Sex addiction treatment can help people recover, however, when dealing with a sex addict, you must always have clear boundaries.

People that struggle with addiction tend to push the limits of people because their addictions are their priority. If you feel that you are being verbally or physically abused or disrespected, walk away. Addiction can damage relationships when people don’t get their ‘fixes,’ which can also hurt you. 

Be patient and understanding, but don’t feel bad about putting up boundaries to protect yourself and your family. 

It Goes Beyond the Mind

Sexual addiction isn’t just a mental problem that people need to worry about, it also impacts their physical health.

Since sex addicts are more likely to take risks with the sexual activities and partners they choose, they put their health in a vulnerable place. STDs, pregnancy, and other diseases can land someone in the hospital or with a life-long disease. 

If you are in a relationship with a sex addict, use caution and talk to doctors to ensure you are both protected. 

Is Sex Addiction Impacting Your Life?

Many people don’t even realize it, but sex addiction can happen to anyone if they aren’t able to control their urges. 

Learning about what is sex addiction can help you identify the signs in a loved one if you notice they are struggling to hold a job or relationship. When intrusive and chronic thoughts infiltrate the mind, people start to cover up their behaviors. 

Instead of letting addiction consume someone, help them find support through therapy and patience. 

Be sure to check out our blog for more articles about maintaining relationships and helping the people you love!