
Top Causes of a Decreased Libido in Males: What Are Sex Drive Killers?

There is always a lot of focus on the low libido in women. And yet, the number of men who experience low sex drive is surprisingly common, according to surveys.

We usually imagine men to be “pre-heated” and always ready for sex. But, actually many men suffer from a poor sexual drive.

Are you concerned about your sex drive? Check out the many causes of decreased libido in males in the blog post below.

1. Depression, Stress or Anxiety 

If you’re suffering from poor mental health, you could find that this affects your sex drive as well as many other areas of your life.

You could have numerous different mental health conditions, including stress, depression or anxiety. Up to thirty percent of men say that they have experienced depression at some point during their lifetime.

It’s also worth noting that Americans are some of the most stressed people on the planet. Men who find their jobs and relationships stressful are likely to experience some changes to their libido.

When your mind is focused on a stressful meeting at work or depressed about something else going on in your life, it’s difficult to maintain any interest in anything else — including sex.

Furthermore, you could find that the antidepressants you’ve been taking to cope with your mental health problems are damaging your sex drive.

How You Can Solve It?

There are many ways to better deal with your mental health problems. This could include anything from living a healthier lifestyle to mindful meditation.

2. Not Getting Enough Sleep

Over one in three Americans say that they don’t get enough sleep.

If you’re not getting your recommended hours of sleep at night, don’t be surprised if you don’t want to have sex when you’re exhausted all of the time.

People who suffer from sleep apnea (OSA) also experience lower levels of testosterone, which subsequently undermines sex drive.

One study found that young men who sleep for only five hours per night for a week experienced a drop in their sex drive of up to 15 percent.

How You Can Solve it?

It’s essential that you make sure you get a good eight hours of sleep every night. Try turning off any screens and drinking chamomile to improve your sleep patterns. 

3. Sex Killing Medications 

If you’re taking certain medications, this could be causing you to develop a low libido. You never know what the medication is doing to your testosterone levels.

There are a number of common medications that have been known to affect your sex drive. From chemotherapy to antidepressants, there’s a good chance your medications are to blame.

How You Can Solve it?

Unfortunately, in many cases, you can’t avoid taking the medication. Even if the symptoms are a lower sex drive, that’s probably a sacrifice you’ll have to take.

However, you could speak with your doctor about switching to a different medication if you’re particularly concerned about the symptoms.

4. Not Doing Enough Physical Activity 

More than three-quarters of Americans don’t get enough exercise. When you’re physically inactive, you’ll find that your sex drive drops.

Moreover, physical inactivity can also cause numerous other health conditions, including diabetes and obesity. Both of these conditions further undermine your sex drive.

How You Can Solve it?

You don’t need to work out constantly to up your sex drive. Simply focusing on moderate exercise daily can really boost your libido.

In fact, you shouldn’t over-exercise either. Extremely intense exercise has also been associated with low libido in men.

Understanding how to get yourself motivated to have sex is important if you want to keep a healthy sex life.

5. Too Many Drugs and Alcohol

You may think that having a few drinks is the best way to get you in the mood for sex. But, actually, alcohol lowers your sex drive.

This is especially the case if you heavily drink alcohol in a short space of time. You’ll find that your testosterone levels drop off sharply.

The same rule applies to drug-taking too. Smoking tobacco or marijuana has been linked with lower sex drive. If you’re taking illicit drugs, then this could also be harming your libido. 

How You Can Solve it?

If you’re finding that your party lifestyle is harming your sex drive, then you need to seriously rethink your choices. Reduce your consumption of drugs and alcohol and this could help you get back in the mood for sex.

6. Getting Older 

When you’re a young man, your testosterone levels are high. In fact, the highest levels are usually when you’re in your teenage years.

And yet, as you get older, you’ll start to notice that you don’t have the same sex drive as you did previously.

While your erections might not be as hard and you might require longer to orgasm, aging shouldn’t stop you from having sex.

How You Can Solve it?

There are many medications you can take to keep up your libido. Speak with your doctor about the other ways you can boost your sex drive in older age.

What are the Causes of Decreased Libido in Males?

Have you recently experienced a drop in your sex drive? Decreased libido in males could be a consequence of numerous things.

However, you need to always keep in mind that there are solutions to your sex drive problems. From taking enhancers to dealing with stress, there are tons of solutions.

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