When to Propose: 5 Signs It’s Time to Pop the Question

Leave it to science to ruin everything, even romance. Research shows that couples should date for at least a year before getting engaged.  Of course, there are no hard and fast rules about when to propose, so how do you know?

For better or worse, in good times or bad, you’ve decided that she’s the one. Read on for five signs that it’s time to pop the question.

1. Her Friends and Family Keep Hinting

If her friends and family are dropping hints that you should propose to her, listen to them. Your proposal has been a topic of conversation between her and the people closest to her. This is a sign she will say “yes.” 

Use her family and friends to help you plan the proposal and to choose the style for her engagement and wedding band. They will know if she’d rather wear estate jewelry or custom rings.

2. The Two of You Discuss the Future

If you and your love have begun to seriously discuss future plans, it’s a sign that she is on the same page as you are. Topics can include kids, choosing places to live, religious preferences, and finances. If the two of you agree on your future plans, it’s time to propose to her. 

3.  She’s Seen the “Real” You

Many couples don’t make it past the honeymoon stage and into reality. Once she’s seen you drinking from the milk carton in your boxers, the honeymoon is over. This is the time many relationships fail.

If the two of you have gotten past the honeymoon stage and are still comfortable,  it’s time to propose to her.

4.  You’re Both Committed to the Relationship

Knowing when to propose means knowing how committed you both are to the relationship. This means that you don’t take each other for granted. You should both take steps to keep the relationship healthy and blossoming.

5.  You Are Best Friends

Somewhere along the way, you and your love became best friends as well as lovers. When she turns to you for advice or comfort, she shows you that you are as important to her as she is to you. This is a great sign that she’s ready for you to propose to her.

Where and How to Propose is as Important as When to Propose

It doesn’t matter if you choose an exotic proposal location or somewhere a little more local and low key. It’s important to remember the proposal is about her. Make the proposal in a way you know she’ll love.

  1. If she’s shy or quiet, don’t propose to her in a public setting.
  2. Try to propose at a location that’s important to the relationship. The scene of the frist date is a popular place to pop the question.
  3. Make sure that she knows you are serious. You may want to choose a traditional proposal, like dropping to one knee and holding the box out to her.
  4. Remember that she will wear the engagement ring and wedding band forever. 

Once you’ve figured out when to propose, read here for perfect date ideas to make the moment memorable.