Looking Amazing: 3 Most Common Plastic Surgeries People Love

Each year, more and more people are turning to plastic surgery to alter parts of their appearance that they aren’t totally happy with.

Whether they’re getting minimally-invasive procedures done or undergoing more advanced surgeries, more than 17.7 million people will take to the knife this year to regain confidence and feel more comfortable in their skin.

As the popularity of plastic surgeries grows, there are some procedures that are more popular than others. Here’s our list of the most common plastic surgeries that you can get.

1. Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures out there. In fact, it’s estimated that around 4 percent of American women have undergone breast augmentation.

There are many reasons why a woman might consider breast augmentation surgery, and all of them are perfectly valid. Breast augmentation can boost a woman’s confidence tenfold and can make her feel more attractive and desired.

Here are the most common changes that breast augmentation can make:

  • Increase breast size
  • Change the shape of one or both breasts
  • Lift the breasts

If you’ve been on the fence about getting breast enhancement, keep in mind that most patients report increased levels of confidence, happiness, and overall quality of life after their surgery!

2. Liposuction

Sometimes dieting and exercise just isn’t enough. In 2018, this was the case for the 258,000 people who underwent liposuction procedures in the United States.

Liposuction (or lipo) is a surgical way of removing stubborn fat from the body and reshaping it so that it better fits the patient’s desired aesthetic. There are several different methods of liposuction, but most involve small incisions in the skin that allow for the unwanted fat to be vacuumed out.

Here are a few of the most common methods of liposuction:

  • Tumescent liposuction (fluid injection)
  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL)
  • Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL)

If you’re struggling to lose stubborn pockets of fat, this is one of the plastic surgeries to consider.

3. Rhinoplasty

If you were born with a perfect nose, we’re jealous. If not, there’s always rhinoplasty!

In 2017, more than 218,920 rhinoplasties (or “nose jobs”) were performed on patients who weren’t confident about the size or shape of their natural nose. Rhinoplasty isn’t only useful for cosmetic purposes; some patients require the manipulation of their nasal bones in order to breathe better.

Getting rhinoplasty can improve the symmetry of your face, helping to balance the features and enhance the beauty that’s already there. 

During this surgery, patients are given anesthesia and then an incision will be made on the nose. The surgeon will then correct the bone structure of the nose and then close the incision. Recovery can last up to two weeks, however, so make sure you’re on board with that.

The Most Common Plastic Surgeries Are Worth It

We live in a modern age; if you aren’t completely happy with a certain aspect of your appearance, you can change it! Join the hundreds of thousands of satisfied clients by trying out one of the most common plastic surgeries for yourself and look and feel more fabulous than ever.

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